
Electrophoresis and blotting

Analytik Jena has a wide range of instruments for gel electrophoresis and blotting. The assortment includes many types of instruments for, among other things, the separation of proteins as well as related equipment and systems for the separation of DNA and RNA. Biometra Roaphor systems has also developed its patented electrode rotor specifically for the separation of large DNA molecules up to 8 Mb (= 8,000 kb). In addition to agarose gel separation of nucleic acids, we offer a system for manual sequencing.

Suitable power supplies are available for all electrophoresis and blotting apparatus. We also offer instruments for the transfer of proteins and nucleic acids from polyacrylamide gels, agarose gels or solutions to carrier membranes (blotting membranes). The range includes instruments for semi-dry and wet bottoming.

Do you have any questions about electrophoresis and blotting? Do not hesitate to contact us!