
At Berner, we are committed to maintaining transparency and a high level of business ethics. We want to act responsibly and do the right thing so that we maintain the trust of all our stakeholders. ClaraLab with its subsidiaries LAB Sweden, LAB Denmark and LAB Norway is part of Berner LAB since spring 2022.

We encourage our employees and other stakeholders to inform us immediately about the suspected misconduct i.e. any behaviour that is not in line with legislation, our values and code of conducts, without fear of retaliation.

If you wish to report your concerns or suspicions anonymously, you can do so via the whistleblowing service.

You do not need to provide proof to back up your suspicions, but all reports should be made in good faith.

In order to ensure anonymity, the whistleblowing service is provided by an external partner called WhistleB, Whistleblowing Centre. The reporting process is encrypted and password-protected.

The service is available here in eight languages.