Automation LAB Sweden


We offer state-of-the-art solutions to streamline and optimize your laboratory. Our focus is on reducing manual tasks, increasing accuracy, and improving reproducibility in experimental processes. Our advanced automation systems are designed to meet the highest standards in both research and industry.

The need to enhance processes and improve efficiency in laboratory workflows and analyses is constantly growing, and the demand for automation solutions is rapidly increasing. Whether it’s sample preparation or automating individual steps or entire workflows, we have a solution tailored to your needs.

One of our key suppliers is the Danish company Flow Robotics, known for its innovative and reliable automation solutions. Flow Robotics provides cutting-edge technology that enhances efficiency and precision in laboratory workflows.

We offer both standard solutions and customized applications. Additionally, we have a range of manual and electronic pipettes, which you can explore under Basic Equipment.

Discover our solutions to see how we can help automate your workflows and free up valuable time for more complex tasks. Feel free to contact us with any questions!

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