Vapodest can determine more than just nitrogen

Vapodest can determine more than just nitrogen

Whether you want to perform nitrogen analysis according to Kjeldahl or steam distillation of volatile acids, sulphur dioxide, TVB-N, ammonium, formaldehyde, phenol, alcohol, vicinal diketones or hydrogen cyanide, you will not want to miss Vapodest anymore.

  • Rapid: 4 minutes distillation time
  • Safe: highest protection of user and work environment
  • Economical: long-lasting with low operating costs
  • Compliant: exceeds international standards such as EN/ISO, AOAC, DIN, EPA, ASTM, GAFTA.

Start Kjeldahl distillation easily and fast

As a distillation unit, Vapodest operates almost by itself:

  • Programmable addition of chemicals, distillation time, steam power and “Soft Start” to save you numerous manual steps
  • Intuitive, guided navigation via touchscreen – as easy as on your smartphone, even with lab gloves on
  • Method library that saves you time and rules out input data errors

Your advantage: you save time and resources while increasing the reproducibility of your analysis results.

Safety is a top priority with Vapodest

To determine nitrogen according to Kjeldahl, there is no way around working with aggressive substances. But it’s good to know that Vapodest’s clever design protects you from contact with hazardous substances throughout the distillation and analysis process.

Vapodest is routinely equipped with the following safety features:

  • An illuminated distillation chamber to let you keep everything in view
  • A self-diagnosis feature that detects errors early and switches automatically to a safe mode.
  • Clever design for protection against unintentional contact with hazardous substances
  • “Soft Start” feature for controlled reactions even when analysing reactive substances

And if something does get spilled: all surfaces are easy to clean. ISO 17025-compliant operation for peace of mind. Vapodest is ideally equipped for use in accredited laboratories:

  • Individually configurable user rights
  • Automatic logs all work steps
  • Tamper-proof data storage

The embedded PC and the proprietary software for processing the data into ISO 17025-compliant documents make data management easy for accredited laboratories, so there’s no need to worry about your next audit.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you need help or have questions.

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