Instrument för miljöanalyser.
Inom området för miljöanalys kan vi erbjuda instrument och utrustning för att hantera både små och stora provflöden snabbt och pålitligt i enlighet med gällande internationella standarder och regler. Vi erbjuder instrumentlösningar kopplade till specifika applikationer, optimerade metoder och tillhörande tjänster.
Instrumenten kan användas inom företagets egna miljökontrollverksamhet som kontroll av utsläpps-/avloppsvatten, inom återvinnings- och behandlingsindustrin samt inom kommunala vatten och avloppsverksamheter.
Upptäck instrumentlösningar för analys och provberedning av miljöpåverkande parametrar som TOC, AOX, EOX, TX, TOX, TC, TS med flera i kyl- och avloppsvatten, förorenad jord, saltinnehållande matriser och andra relevanta processparametrar som katalysatorer, spillolja, restkomponenter med mera.
Vi har många applikationsexempel att dela med oss av från leverantörerna. Nedan finner du ett urval. Skulle det vara något du saknar, tveka inte höra av dig till oss så tar vi fram det du söker.
- Determination of Extractable Organically Bound Fluorine (EOF) in Surface Water with Molecular Absorption Spectrometry
- Trace Analysis of Toxic Elements in Surface and Drinking Water by Combined AAS Techniques
- Determination of Toxic Elements in Wastewater and Sewage Sludge
- Fundamentals – Instrumentation and Techniques of Halogen Analysis
- Standardized Heavy Metal Determination in Sewage Sludges and Soils Using Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (AAS)
- Determination of AOX in Wastewater Samples by Column Method According to DIN EN ISO 9562
- Determination of Absorbable Organic Halogens in Highly Saline Water Samples after Solid Phase Extraction (SPE-AOX)
- Determination of AOX in Sewage Sludge Samples by Batch Method According to EN 16166
- Measurement of Soot in Ambient Air – Thermographical Determination of Elemental Carbon after Thermal Desorption of Organic Carbon
- AOX Linearity Test According to DIN EN ISO 9562 (Column Method)
- Determination of Adsorbable Organic Halogens in Highly Saline Water Samples after SPE
- AOX Sample Preparation – Sample Preparation for Liquid AOX Samples by Column Method
- Sample Preparation for the Determination of AOF in Water Samples According to DIN 38409-59
- Determination of AOX in Raw, Drinking, and Groundwater, as well as in Surface Water in Accordance with ISO 9562
- Determination of AOX in Wastewater Samples by Batch Method in Accordance with EN ISO 9562
- Determination of Trace Elements in Seawater using ICP-MS
- Ultra-Trace Determination of Hg in Environmental Waters by ICP-MS
- High-throughput Analysis of Drinking Water with ICP-MS
- Analysis of Marine Sediments and Sewage Sludge by PlasmaQuant MS
- Measuring Toxic Elements in Workplace Filter Dusts According to EN 14385 Using ICP-MS
- Monitoring Drinking Water Quality With ICP-OES
- Direct Analysis of Saline Matrices by HR ICP-OES
- Determination of Phosphorus and Other Critical Elements in Sewage Sludge
- Wastewater Analysis Following U.S. EPA 200.7 Using HR ICP-OES
- Determination of TOC in Agricultural Soil, Dried Manure and Sediments
- TOC Determination in Raw and Drinking Water
- TOC/TNb Determination in Municipal Sewage Plants
- TOC determination in particle-containing samples with the cellulose test acc. to EN 1448
- Total TOC Determination in Brine Samples Coming from Desalting Process of Crude Oil
- TOC/TNb Determination in Refinery Effluents
- TOC Control in Boiler Feed and Cooling Water of Fossil Fuel Fired and Nuclear Power Plants
- TOC/TNb Determination in Pulp and Paper Production Effluents
- Comparison of TOC Determination Methods in Soil Samples
- Determination of TOC in Solid Waste
- Determination of TOC in Ash, Slag and Filter Dust
- Determination of TOC/TNb and DOC/DNb in Surface Water According to ISO 20236
- Waste Characterization for Landfill Classification – Determination of TOC/DOC According to DIN EN 1484 in Waste Eluates and Landfill Leachates
- TIC Determination in Amine Scrubbing Solutions for Efficiency Control of CO2 Emission Reduction from Fossil Fuel Combustion
- Determination of Landfill Relevant Organic Carbon (OC) According to DIN EN 15936 and VGB Pyrolysis Method in Waste from High-Temperature Processes – Comparison to the TOC400 Method
- Comparison of TOC Determination Methods in Soil Samples
- Spectrophotometric Determination of Standard Parameters in Wastewater According to Standard Methods
- Determination of concentration by means of a calibration curve – exemplified by surfactant measurements according to PD CLC/TS 50677:2019
- Probing the Chlorophyll a Concentration as an Indicator to Monitor Trophy Variations in Surface Water by Means of UV/Vis Spectrophotometry According to the DIN 38409-60
- Determination of turbidity, color and SAC254 in surface water using UV/Vis spectroscopy according to DIN EN ISO 7027-1, DIN EN ISO 7887 and DIN 38404-3
- Determination of Phosphorus by UV/Vis Spectroscopy According to DIN EN ISO 6878:2004 [1] in Sewage Sludge
- Our Planet. Our Priority. Solutions for Environmental Analysis, brochure
- pH, turbiditet, färg, konduktivitet, BOD, COD, alkalinitet m fl parametrar i vatten och jord
- Water and Wastewater Analysis solutions, brochure
- Rapid Monitoring of Municipal Wastewater Primary Effluent with peCOD instrument
- BOD screening with peCOD instrument
- COD analysis with peCOD instrument in Paper and Pulp industry
- COD analysis with peCOD instrument in Petrochemical industry
- Using peCOD to Quantify Treatability of Natural Organic Matter
- O2, pH and CO2 sensors for Environmental and Biology Applications
- Controlling treatment disinfection byproduct creation from natural organic materials
- Determining the gross calorific value of sludge
- Solid Phase Extraction – Oil and Grease in Water
- Solid Phase Extraction – Nitrosamine from Water
- Solid Phase Extraction – 12 Phosphorus Pesticides in Water
- Automated Permanganate Index (PI) Conforming to ISO 8467 – Measuring Oxidizability for Source and Drinking Water
- Sample Preparation for the Determination of AOF in Water Samples According to DIN 38409-59