Can, PE, rectangular with wide neck

Can, PE, rectangular with wide neck

Rectangular bottles with wide necks. These are ideal for long-term storage of samples. Approximate graduations allow reproducible filling without the use of cylinders / beakers. Simple grip lids can be disconnected for safety. Suitable for food according to EC regulation 10/2011.

The bottle is in PE and the lids in PP. Volume Neck Base dimensions Grading Height Quantity/pc
216.0025 25 18 32 x 34 5 52 500
216.0050 50 24 38 x 38 10 70 400
216.0100 100 35 42 x 48 20 90 600
216.0250 250 35 57 x 60 25 110 300/50
216.0500 500 45 70 x 80 50 138 150/25
216.1000 1000 58 80 x 103 100 176 80/20
216.2000 2000 58 100 x 134 100 210 40

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