Products Consumables Bags Autoclave bags Products Consumables Bags Autoclave bags Contact us for more information Product details Autoclave bags are made of PP and are available in a range of different sizes. We offer two different thicknesses, 50 µm and 70 µm. All bags are autoclavable up to 134 °C. Sealing takes place via welding machine or autoclave tape. Downloads Nerbe bagNerbe bagNerbe bagNerbe bag Ida Mattsson Teamleader/Customer Service 08-29 60 29 Frida Spångmark Customer Service 08-29 60 26 Izabella Mattsson Customer Service 08-29 60 49 Contact request Name*Company*E-mail* PhoneAdditional informationProcessing of personal data* I give my consent to the processing of my personal data as described in the data protection statement. EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.