2D measurements

Products for 2D measurement visualize oxygen, pH, and CO₂ distributions.

We sell 2D measurement products from PreSens. The PreSens VisiSens system combines luminescent sensor foils with 2D imaging technology, enabling the visualization of oxygen, pH, or carbon dioxide distributions in heterogeneous samples. More than 100,000 measurement points can be captured in a single image and analyzed using the included image processing and evaluation software. Gain an additional dimension for your investigations and monitor spatial and temporal gradient changes.

PreSens offers a range of 2D measurement devices. Below, we have highlighted some of them, but if you are looking for a specific model that is not listed, feel free to reach out to one of our sales representatives for more information.

VisiSens TD

VisiSens TD enables simultaneous 2D imaging of optical O₂, pH, and CO₂ sensor foils within a single setup. Flat sensors for one or multiple analyses are placed on the sample area or within cavities, and the fluorescent sensor signals are read pixel by pixel using a camera. Fields of view range from mm² up to 30 cm x 25 cm. VisiSens TD provides an overview of your sample area and allows free selection of the region of interest for studying spatial and temporal gradients or simultaneous reading of multiple sensor signals. The modular system can be adapted to meet user requirements.

Oxygen Sensor Foil SF-RPSU4

SF-RPSu4 is used for oxygen measurement and allows non-invasive mapping of metabolic activities as well as changes over time, from seconds to months. The fluorescent sensor foil is attached to a living or non-living sample surface, transparent glass, or disposable container. A sensor film on the foil translates oxygen content into a light signal. The sensor foil is available in different sizes and can easily be cut into the desired shape. Readout is performed contact-free using the detector unit DU01 or VisiSens TD.

Detector Unit DU02

The VisiSens detector unit DU02 for pH imaging consists of an easy-to-use digital handheld camera and control and evaluation software, making it ideal for 2D measurements. Combined with fluorescent chemical optical sensor foils, this imaging technology enables simple 2D visualization of pH distributions in heterogeneous samples. The software allows control of the image capture process and supports image processing and evaluation. A user-friendly camera interface manages image acquisition and storage. Related measurements can be organized into user-defined sessions in separate folders and annotated with free-text comments.

Do you have any questions about 2D measurement? Feel free to contact us!

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