Reference materials for various types of water.
We offer reference materials for most types of water, from natural water, drinking water, wastewater, process water, to emission control or the determination of raw materials or the quality of finished products. When you need to document or verify a product, an emission, or ensure that your analytical instrument delivers accurate results, we can help you find a suitable reference material. A limited selection of what we can offer is listed below.
Are you interested in customized solutions? Get in touch with our sales representative Gabriel, whose contact details can be found further down the page.
Singelelement – 1000 ppm
Singelelement – 10.000 ppm
Singelelement – ICP-MS – 10 ppm
Singelelement-ICP-MS -100 ppm
Singelelement – ICP-MS-1000 ppm
Singelelement -ICP-MS -10.000 ppm
Multilelement – ICP
Multilelement – ICP-MS
Analytiska CRM
Alkalinitet, COD, TOC, Totalt kväve m.fl.
Fysikaliska CRM
Konduktivitet,densitet, turbiditet och färg
PH-buffer CRM