EH Hotplates
EH Hotplates
8 models featuring temperatures from ambient to 200°C or 350°C, heating surface in PTFE coated aluminum alloy or stainless steel, a large heating area 40×30 cm. The EH20R includes a wireless remote controller for real-time monitoring and setting.
Features EH series
- Large heating surface
- Fast and even heating
- Microprocessor control
- Special coatings with high corrosion protection
- Sustainable and stable operation
- Compact design combined with an elegant appearance
Features EH 45 series graphite
4 models with temperatures from ambient to 450 °, graphite or ceramic coated graphite for extra chemical resistance.
- Graphite heating surface
- Fast and even heating
- Microprocessor control
- Max temperature up to 450°C
- Sustainable and stable operation
- Completely closed design
Do you have any questions? Do not hesitate to contact us!