ATF Xtend™ Offline

Fully automated dissolution tester.

ATF Xtend™ Offline – fully automated self-cleaning dissolution tester to perform a series of unattended test runs.

Repeatable operation of simple laborious steps is the heart of the fully automated ATF Xtend™ dissolution system. Execute and record all steps from media preparation to vessel filling including gravimetric verification of vessel volumes, sampling & filtration, and cleaning of the entire system. Test execution is virtually identical to a semi-automated dissolution tester – adding traceable vessel filling and robust system cleaning performed automatically between test runs.

  • 100% UNATTENDED – Run a series of dissolution tests without any operator action required.
  • 100% TRACEABLE – Automatically execute and record all steps from media preparation to system cleaning.
  • 100% REPEATABLE – Perform tests the same way every time – from vessel filling to sampling, filtration, and washing routines.
  • MEDIA – Automatically prepare, heat, and degas media to fill vessels, to replace withdrawn sample volumes, and to perform pH changes.
  • FINE FILTRATION – High-precision piston pumps can push through filters down to 0.2 microns for trouble-free HPLC / UPLC analysis.
  • COLLECT – Collect samples in test tubes, capped LC vials, or wellplates from up to 60 timepoints.
  • CLEAN – No need to remove vessels anymore. The self-cleaning system automatically empties all vessels and performs a washing routine between test runs.

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